Ship's Document


UNCLOS 1982 Pasal 94

1) Setiap Negara harus melaksanakan secara efektif yurisdiksi dan pengawasannya dalam bidang Administratif, tehnis dan sosial atas kapal yang mengibarkan benderanya.

2) Khususnya setiap Negara harus:
a) Memelihara suatu daftar (register) kapal kapal yang memuat Nama dan keterangan lainnya tentang kapal yang mengibarkan benderanya, kecuali kapal yang dikarenakan ukurannya yang kecil dikecualikan dari peraturan Internasional yang diterima secara umum.
b) Menjalankan yurisdiksi dibawah perundang undangan nasionalnya atas setiap kapal yang mengibarkan benderanya beserta nakhoda, perwira dan awak kapalnya bertalian dengan masalah Admistratif, Tehnis dan Sosial mengenai kapal itu.

Sertifikat dan dokumen yang harus dibawa diatas kapal

A. Semua kapal:

1.  International Tonnage Certificate.(TMS art.7)
2.  International Load Line Certificate. atau
3.  International Load Line Exemption Certificate (LL art 16 and Protocol art 18)
4.  Intact Stability Booklet. (Solas II-1/22,25-8)
5.  Damage Control Booklets. (Solas II-1/23,231,25-8)
6.  Minimum safe Manning Document (Solas V/14.2.)
7.  Fire Safety training manual (Solas II-2/15.2.4)
8.  Fire Control Plan/booklet (Solas II-2/15.2.4)
9.  0n board training and drill record (Solas II2/
10. Fire safety operational booklet (Solas II2/16.2)
11. Certificates for Master, Officers and ratings(STCW art VI, Reg I/2, A-I/2)
12. International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate. (Marpol Annex I /26)
13. Oil Record Book (Marpol Annex I/20)
14. Shipboard Oil  Pollution Emergency Plan (Marpol I/26)
15. International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (Marpol Annex IV/5)
16. Garbage Record Book (Marpol Annex 5 /9)
17. Garbage Management Plan (Marpol V/9)
18. Voyage data recorder system-certificate of compliance (Solas V/18.8)
19. Cargo Securing Manual (Solas VI/5.6,VII/5)
20. Document of Compliance (Solas IX/4,ISM 13)
21. Safety Management Certificate (Solas IX/4)
22. International Ship Security Certificate atau Interim S.S. Certificate (Solas XI-2/9.1.1 )
23. Ship Security Plan and Associated records
24. Continuous Synopsis Record (Solas XI-I/5)

B. Tambahan untuk Passenger ship.

1. Passenger Ship Safety Certificate(Solas I/12)
2. Exemption Certificate (when exemp. granted)
3. Special Trade passenger ship safety certificate, special trade passenger space cert.
4. Search and rescue cooperation plan (solas V/7.3)
5. List of operational limitation (Solas V/30)
6. Decision support system for Masters (Solas III/29 )

C. Tambahan untuk Kapal Cargo :

1.  Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate (Solas I/12)
2.  Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (Solas I/12)
3.  Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (Solas I/12)
4.  Cargo Ship Safety Certificate, If applicable
5.  Exemption Certificate ,if applicable
6.  Document of authorization for the carriage of grain (Solas VI/9).
7.  Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage (For tanker > DWT 2000) clc 1992 article VII.
8.  Enhanced survey report file (Bulk carriers and tankers) (Solas XI-1/2.Res.A744(18) .
9.  Record of oil discharge monitoring and control system for the last ballast voyage (Marpol Annex I Reg.15(3)(a)
10. Cargo Information (Solas VI/2 ,XII/10).
11. Bulk Carrier Booklet (Solas VI/7,XII/8)
12. Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual (Marpol Annex I reg.13A)
13. Condition Assessment scheme (CAS) Statement of Compliance, CAS Final report and Review Record (Marpol I Res MEPC.94(46) Reg.13G.
14. Hydro-statically Balance Loading (HBL) Operational Manual (Marpol Anex I res. MEPC.95(46) Reg.13 G.)
15. Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control ODMC) Operational manual (Marpol Annex I Reg,15(3)(c)
16. Subdivision and stability information (Marpol Reg.25)

D. Tambahan untuk kapal pengangkut NLS.:

1. International Pollution prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk.(NLS Cert.) (Marpol Annex II Reg,11  dan 12A)
2. Cargo Record Book. (Marpol A II.Reg 9)
3. Procedures and Arrangement Manual ( P A Manual) (Marpol Annex II Reg,5,5A dan 8)
4. Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan for Noxious Liquid Substances. (Marpol Annex II Reg.16).

E. Tambahan untuk Tanker Kimia:

1. Certificates of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemical in Bulk,untuk tanker dibangun sebelum 1 Juli 1986 atau
2. International Certificate of fitness for the Carriage of dangerous Chemical Bulk,untuk tanker dibangun sesudah 1 Juli 1986 F. Tambahan untuk Gas Carrier.
1. Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
2. International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gasses in Bulk.

G. Tambahan untuk High Speed Craft

1. High Speed craft safety Certificate
2. Permit to Operate high Speed Craft.

H. Tambahan untuk kapal pengangkut dangerous goods

1. Document of Compliance with special requirements for carrying dangerous goods. (Solas II-2/19.4)
2. Dangerous goods manifest or stowage plan (Solas VII/4.5,VII/7-2,Marpol Annex III reg.4)

I. Tambahan untuk kapal pengangkut INF cargo.

International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of INF Cargo. (Solas VII/16.INF Code Res.MSC.88(71) par 1.3)

J. Tambahan untuk kapal nuklir

A  Nuclear Ship (Cargo or Passenger) Safety Certificate (Solas VIII/10)

Sertifikat - sertifikat lain:

a)  Special purpose ship Safety certificate.(Res.A.534(13). Solas I/12)
b)  Certificate of fitness for Offshore Support Vessels.
c)  Diving System Safety Certificate
d)  Dynamical Support Craft Construction and Equipment Certificate.
e)  Mobile Offshore Drilling unit Safety Certificate.
f)  Wing-In-Ground (WIG) Craft(MSC cir.1054)
g)  Permit to operate WIG craft
h)  Noise Survey Report.


The Convention on the Facilitation of Maritime Traffic (FAL) Convention yang bertujuan untuk menyederhanakan dan meminimalkan formalitas dan document yang diperlukan dan prosedur yang berhubungan dengan kedatangan,tinggal dipelabuhan serta keberangkatan kapal yang melayari pelayaran Internasional. Convensi ini ditanda tangani pda tanggal 9 April 1965 dan etered into force pada 5 Mei l967 dan sudah mengalami beberapa kali amendments.
Amenment pertama tahun 1990 yang berlaku sejak 1`September 1991. Amendment kedua 1992 yang berlaku sejak 1 SEPTEMBER 1993.Amendment ketiga tahun 1996 yang berlaku sejak 1 Mei 1997.

Convensi ini telah diratifikasi oleh Pemerintah RI pada Juli 2002 Dokumen standar yang direkomendasikan sesuai FAL Convention Sebagai tambahan dari Sertifikat - sertifikat setiap kapal yang akan datang atau berangkat dari Pelabuhan harus menyediakan dokumen dokumen berikut:
- General Declaration.
- Cargo declaration
- Ship’s store declaration
- Crew’s effect declaration.
- Crew list.
- Passenger list.
- The document required under the Universal Postal Convention for mail.
- Maritime declaration of health.

Content of General Declaration

1.  Name and description of Ship
2.  Nationality of Ship
3.  Particulars Regarding Registry
4.  Particulars Regarding Tonnage
5.  Name of Master
6.  Name and Address of Ship’s Agent
7.  Brief Description of Cargo
8.  Number of Crew
9.  Number of Passengers
10. Brief Particulars of Voyage
11. Date and Time of Arrival, or date of Departure
12. Port of Arrival or Departure
13. Position of The Ship in The Port

Content of Cargo Declaration

a. On arrival
-  Name and nationality of ship
-  Name of master
-  Port arrive from
-  Port where report is made
-  Marks and, number and kind of packages, quantity and description of the goods
-  Transport document numbers for cargo to be discharged at the port in questions
-  Ports at which cargo remaining on board will be discharged
-  Original ports of shipment in respect of goods ship under multi modal transport documents or through bills of lading

b. On departure
-  Name and nationality of the ship
-  Name of master
-  Port of destination
-  In respect of goods loaded at the port in questions : marks and number; number and kind of package; quantity and description of the goods.
-  Transport document numbers for cargo loaded at the port in question

Content of crew list

-  Name and nationality of ship
-  Family name
-  Given names
-  Nationality
-  Rank or rating
-  Date and place of birth
-  Nature and number of identity document
-  Port and date arrival
-  Arriving from
-  Content of Passenger List
-  Name and nationality of the ship • Family name
-  Given names
-  Nationality
-  Date of birth
-  Place of birth
-  Port of embarkation
-  Port of disembarkation
-  Port and date of arrival of the ship

Documents on Arrival

-  5 copies of the general declaration
-  4 copies of cargo declaration
-  4 copies of ship’s store declaration
-  2 copies of the crew’s effects declaration
-  4 copies of the crew list
-  4 copies of the passenger list
-  1 copiers of the maritime declaration of health

Documents on Departure
-  5 copies of the general declaration
-  4 copies of  the cargo declaration
-  3 copies of ship’s stores declaration
-  2 copies of the crew list
-  2 copies of the passenger list

International Convention On Load Lines 1966

Konvensi ini ditanda tangani pada 5 April 1966. Konvensi ini bertujuan menetapkan prinsip dan aturan yg seragam untuk menentukan batas kapal – kapal yg melayari pelayaran internasional dapat dimuati guna menjamin keselamatan jiwa dan harta benda di laut.

Pemberlakuan Konvensi ini berlaku untuk :

a. Kapal – kapal yang terdaftar di negara penandatangan
b. Kapal – kapal di teritorial dibawah PBB
c. Kapal – kapal yang tidak didaftar yang menggunakan bendera negara penandatangan

Annex I berlaku untuk kapal – kapal baru.
Annex II berlaku untuk kapal baru dan kapal lama

Pengecualian Konvensi ini tidak berlaku untuk :
a. Kapal baru yang panjangnya kurang dari 24 m
b. Kapal lama yg kurang dari 150 gross ton
c. Kapal perang
d. Kapal pesiar yang tidak disewakan
e. Kapal penangkap ikan

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